“The Lord’s eyes are upon those who do good. He sits from His Holy Temple looking down upon those He loves. Ready and willing to bless them at any given moment. The Lord is good.”

Have you ever questioned the Lord’s goodness? Like truly questioned His goodness because of all of the things you see happening in the world today and even in your own life.
I know I have. I’ve had more thoughts than I would like to admit that questioned the Lord’s character. If you’ve read some of my previous posts I’ve mentioned that I had a conflicting view of God and Christianity growing up. My school was very legalistic and my home life was hypocritical. I never really met anyone who spoke about the Lord personally as if they KNEW Him so that left me to only interpret what was shown to me, told to me, or read in the Bible. I shifted like opposing weights on a scale when things were going good in my life vs. when things were going bad. I felt loved by God when I doing the right thing and disliked when I sinned. I did not know that God saw me for me and not just as another person He created.
However, as I started to develop my own walk with Him, He quickly addressed my faltering view of Him in the most loving way. Otherwise, how could we truly be friends if I didn’t have the truth about Him in my heart.
As I mentioned in my Tiktok post, the Lord told me that His eyes roam the Earth looking for those He can reward. This is a part of His heart’s focus. He LOVES to give! Jesus told us this. He is not sitting in Heaven waiting for us to mess up again or just waiting for the chance to take another thing away from us in punishment. In fact, I would say that a vast majority of the negative situations that happen to us are at fault of the enemy. The Lord is not out here seeking to judge and to do evil.
He will however use these things to help us grow stronger. We may experience lack to fully develop trust in Him and a separation in heart from the love the money. We may experience a close death to us through which the Lord can use to show us how He can comfort us in any situation. If God’s plan was death, then why bother raising people from the dead. In the same way, why bother with healing if sickness is in the plan. None of these are enjoyable but they are endurable with God.
I challenge you to take your thoughts about Him to Him and let the truth be revealed to you. Search the Scriptures to find and know His heart. I mean actually search them with the desire to know the TRUTH about His goodness. When you come with preconceived notions that you’re not really open to change, its likes coming to a conversation only seeking for your side to be heard and proved correct without an openness to the other person.
I can only testify from my experience and from the experiences of those around me, the Lord IS truly good and His mercies DO really endure forever.
He's given me a joy beyond compare since overcoming depression.
He has financially provided for me through every bill even when I had no money in my account.
He has comforted me through the midst of my brother's passing.
He has comforted me and given me truth in the middle of family struggles.
He has given me wisdom and helped me pass tests that I needed to pass.
He has healed me countless times from various ailments.
He healed my father when the Doctor's said that he wouldn't make it.
These are only a few of the testimonies that have marked my life to know that God is good. Just think, in spite of all of the pain, there are testimonies in you that testify of His goodness too. I pray that your heart is open to receiving Him, because He is so ready and happy to receive you again.
"For I know the plans I have for you, " says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11