Have you ever wondered what it was like or what it means to sit at the feet of Jesus? For many who are new to the faith and are just trying to figure everything out, it can be confusing to understand sitting at someone's feet. Why His feet and how can we sit there even though He’s not here physically yet? Here’s how:
“She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
- Luke 10:41-42
In this Scripture it is revealed that Mary, Martha’s sister, chose to sit at the feet of Jesus instead of helping with hosting duties in the home. Instead of agreeing with Martha’s worry, Jesus agreed with Mary’s choice of sitting at His feet, listening and soaking in all that He had to say. How beautiful! We have a Lord who is not so concerned with being served and us making everything perfect for Him, but the one thing He says is needed is to sit and receive from Him.
Sitting at someone’s feet represents humility. The feet are the lowest part of someone’s body, so to sit at the feet of Jesus would be us lowering ourselves in humility and receiving from Him all He has to give or pouring out to Him all we have to give.
In John 12, we see Mary taking expensive perfume and pouring it out on Jesus’ feet and rubbing it in with her hair. At surface level we might see this and think why did Mary choose to pour out something expensive onto His feet, and why on earth would she use her hair to rub it in. I know I didn’t understand this at first and I thought why didn’t she just use her hands. However, our hair represents our glory. Mary chose to take her wealth and her glory and use them both on the lowliest part of Jesus, His feet. She not only humbled herself but she chose to submit two things to Him at the same time, essentially saying ‘here Jesus, this is all I have and yet it is yours. You are worthy of everything I have to give.’
We need to learn to be lowly and sit at the feet of Jesus. We need to understand humility and realize that it was never meant to be a bad thing. Oftentimes we humble ourselves and become submitted to the wrong things and to the wrong people. But when you submit yourself to the One who is lowly and humble, you will find that everything you ever wanted is right there with Him and all you had to do was sit at His feet to receive it.
Take some time and sit down, giving the Lord all of your attention. Speak to Him about His worthiness and pour out your heart to Him. Thank Him for all that He has done, even if you are new to the faith and you might not yet understand all that He has done. Talk with Him and humble your heart to know that He is God above all and that He is the utmost power in and out of the world. Then listen to what He might have to say to you. He might speak to you directly in a still small voice or in a thought in your head. Many times He speaks through His word (the Bible) as well.
There is so much that can be understood from just sitting at the feet of Jesus. He is worth it and He is worthy of our lowliness to Him.