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What Are the Benefits of Serving the Lord?

Writer's picture: Tiffani G.Tiffani G.

The benefit of serving God

What does it profit me to serve God? How does following after the Lord benefit me? Is what I do for Him really going to pay off? 

These questions above and more are questions that people ask when it comes to serving God. Even those that are following Him, may at some point end up with these questions in their heart. Is it really worth it in the moment to serve God when success around us seems so easy? Here is why I say yes:

The Lord is very different from the instant satisfaction and success on this Earth. We are so easily tempted by the lusts of our eyes and flesh- being lured into envying others because of what they have. I won’t lie, the world of social media is so tempting! Especially when you see others who seem to be prospering and you, yourself, are serving God while yet going through so much. It can be hard to see the light and the purpose of following after God at times. 

God, Himself, as the creator of the world is not slow in giving us promises and the desires of our heart. What He does is wait for the right time to give them to us. He knows that if we receive some blessings too soon then we will ruin them or not be able to handle them. For example, God could give you a million dollars today and sit back and watch you spend it on the things that your heart desires. Or he could make you the top Executive of the company that you have longed for, having many people follow after your leadership. He could also bless your ministry substantially to where you have thousands of people flocking to your services. But would all of those things really benefit you?

See with the Lord, not only does He supply the blessing but He also prepares you for it. 

Instead of just handing you a million dollars, He teaches you how to manage what you have now and He will give you an idea for a business/company that would generate millions of dollars for you and your family. Why? Longevity. He could make you the top Executive today, but instead, while you are working at the level that you are, He is teaching you how to be humble and serve the people that work with you now so that when you do become a CEO, you have excellent leadership skills and can take care of the people that work for you. Why? Longevity. He could send a drove of people to the doorstep of your church or have thousands of people to sit under your ministry, but instead He chooses to shape you, mold you, and teach you how to simply love people and to love Him. Why? Longevity.

God is not willing to risk your life and salvation all for a quick blessing. Things given too quickly can turn into a nightmare if not stewarded over properly. Even when we may feel like we have it all together, we don’t truly know what we are ready for unless the Lord tells us. He cares more about our wellbeing than we do. He wants our family to be blessed going down the  generations, which is often more than we even care about. We think about our problems today and how they could be solved right now.

Our benefits of serving the Lord come from Him not only creating a better blessing than we even asked for, but also Him developing, growing, and loving us on our way there. See God is perfect! He want you to be successful and blessed more than you even want it for yourself. Why else would He send His perfect Son down to die for you, if you weren’t worth it or if He didn’t care. Why would He be so involved in our day to day lives if the little things didn’t matter? Yes, you should absolutely serve the Lord because you love Him and because you care about His people. But sometimes, that is what is also being perfected in us along the way. To love Him more than we do now and to care for others more than we care for them now. We often can be selfish in our pursuits and the Lord is gentle enough to love us through that and remind us of how we should be.

So if you are already serving the Lord or are seeking to then be encouraged to know that through serving Him, He is handcrafting a better future for you than you could ever even imagine for yourself. He is with you and He is always for you.

"'You have said terrible things about me,' says the Lord. But you say, 'What do you mean? What have we said against you?'. "You have said, 'What's the use of serving God? What have we gained by obeying his commands or by trying to show the Lord of Heaven's Armies that we are sorry for our sins? From now on we will call the arrogant blessed. For those who do evil get rich, and those who dare God to punish them suffer no harm.'

Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name. 'They will be my people,' says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. 'On the day when I act in judgement, they will be my own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child. Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.'" - Malachi 3:16-18


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