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How to Overcome Poverty

Writer's picture: Tiffani G.Tiffani G.

chains of poverty breaking

Poverty. A spirit that wreaks havoc over the body of Christ and many don’t even know it. There are so many Christians today who are living less than and we are not called to do so. Paycheck to paycheck and barely getting by has no place in the life of the believer. We should be walking in financial abundance for the Kingdom of God -able and ready to give to others at the moment the need arises. The Lord is coming quickly and He is wanting to give each of us financial overflow if we listen to His will. Here are 4 ways to overcome poverty.

Start tithing or return back to tithing

Tithing opens the doors for God’s blessings in your life. God, in His Word, commanded us to give a tenth of our earnings to Him as an act of obedience. He said, with promise, that if we give our tithe, He will rebuke the devourer (the enemy) for our sake along with open the windows of Heaven, and pour out blessings upon us that we would not have room enough to receive it. He also said that our land (our work/territory) would be blessed and fruitful. This is conditional. If you are looking for and expecting blessings in your finances, you must be obedient to what God has said. I know from firsthand experience that if you are in lack, it can be tough to tithe because you might need every penny right now. However, God is not slack concerning His word. Do not wait for what you see as the perfect time to tithe. The perfect time to give to God is always right now. He will take care of you.

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe," says the Lord Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the Lord Almighty.

Recommit your finances to God

Now that you have returned back to tithing, you need to commit your finances to God. When you are not tithing/not stewarding well over your finances, you have essentially taken them into your own hands and anything that is solely controlled by the flesh is susceptible to ruin.

Recommitting your finances to God looks like this. “Father, I repent for (Not tithing/not spending my money wisely or both) and I ask for your forgiveness in Jesus’ name. I recommit my finances to You and I ask that You take them in as Your own to bless them and to help them grow. Help me to listen to you and to be obedient in what you instruct me to do with my money in Jesus’ name.”

I will also add that if your money has gone towards any psychics, palm readers, witchcraft or any new age practices, you need to repent specifically for that as well. If you place your finances in the Lord’s hands, they will be blessed. God specifically told me how much money to give myself to spend and also how much money to save from each paycheck. I have significantly noticed that I always seem to have much more left over than I thought I would, once I committed my finances to Him. I also listen for His counsel on purchases, primarily big ones.

Rebuke the devil

After you have repented and rededicated your finances back to the Lord, you are now able to take back authority over them because the enemy no longer has a legal right to your finances.

You can renounce the spirit of poverty by saying “I renounce poverty in Jesus’ name” over and over again. I have been taught to renounce for 10 minutes minimum as every time you renounce you are breaking off chains of bondage that the enemy has on you and you want to break off many especially if poverty has been attacking you your whole life. Renouncing is a verbal separation and declaration that you no longer want anything to do with the thing that you are renouncing. After you renounce, start rebuking the spirit of poverty in Jesus' name and command him to leave. Christ has given you authority over every demon and He is always with you. Do not be timid or scared when rebuking the enemy, he has been defeated by the blood of Jesus and with Jesus you are already victorious in everything.

Think of the devourer as the enemy (person) doing the action of eating away at your finances and poverty, even though it is a spirit, as the pit (location) of where you are with your finances. Allow the Lord to rebuke the devourer for your sake and you do the work to come out of the pit of poverty. These go hand in hand. The Lord will be helping you.

Get wisdom and understanding

Without a plan, visions perish. This doesn’t just apply to hopes and dreams. This is for your finances as well. If you don’t know the state of your money, how can you well manage it. It is not enough to just know that you have money in the bank. Every dollar you have should be accounted for and well taken care of.

Think of your money in the same way that a farmer/shepherd thinks of their animals. No good shepherd says yeah there's some sheep out in the field, I’m not sure how many though but I know they're there. No! He knows exactly how many animals he has under his care and he tends to each of their needs - a good shepherd that is. God expects us to be responsible and good stewards over the money he has blessed us with. Being disciplined in your finances is a good thing! Being undisciplined leads you to a life of living paycheck to paycheck, becoming the borrower and not the lender, and always living in the space of having just enough or not enough.

Our Father wants us to live an abundant life on earth and He does not want us to be controlled by the spirit of poverty. Take back your authority over your finances by following these steps and I promise the Lord will bless you!


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