Here are 4 tips on how to overcome the spirit of depression

Depression is something that can be easily overlooked because it can be well hidden in the lives of those that it attacks. Many people who battle with depression wake up in the morning and go to work or school with a seemingly real smile on their face. They spend time with their friends or family, and continue on with their daily lives as if nothing is happening on the inside. But it is. They are slowly feeling more and more empty on the inside and through time, smiles become harder to fake. I know this all too well because that was me. Putting on a good show on the outside and at times remaining hopeful that what I was feeling would just go away, but it didn’t.
As Christians, we know that everything is not just “natural” and the majority of the things we face and go through in this fallen world are spiritual. Depression is a demonic spirit that with the help of the Lord and an enduring fight in us, we can overcome and help others to overcome as well. I spent many years battling depressive thoughts and having emotions that varied day by day and honestly hour by hour sometimes. But fortunately being on the other side of it now, and having had my previous mentor walk me through it, I can share with you how the spirit of depression attacks and how you can also overcome.
1. Recognize that it is a spirit attacking you
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
Depression is not a natural cause and it never will be. It is a spirit. A thief that comes to kill, steal, and destroy the good things inside of you. He comes to steal and kill your joy, your hope, and your peace by making you focus on all of the negative things about your life and about yourself.
You have to recognize that depression is an enemy that as a Believer, you have the power and authority to overcome in Jesus’ name.
2. Be aware of your thoughts
Take all of the negative things that depression says to you and speak the opposite
The spirit of depression works by making you focus on all of the negative things about yourself, and your life. He will make you focus and “rehearse” those things over and over again until you finally receive them in your heart and begin to believe them.
In order to combat this, think about all of the negative things that you have been thinking or rehearsing about yourself/your situation(s). Then I want you to write down the opposite of those, being the positive side. Even if you can’t find a positive side yet, write down what you are hoping for and even better pair it with Scripture. Here are Scriptures that you can write down and take to heart:
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'." Jeremiah 29:11
"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." -Philippians 1:6
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." -Psalm 31:24
3: Focus on positive
Now that you have taken those negatives and turned them into positives, you have to continue walking it out daily, hourly, minute by minute. When a negative thought starts to come into your mind, cast it down as quickly as possible and replace it with something more positive.
For example:
Negative- “I don’t have any friends to hang out with”
Positive- “The Lord is going to help me make friends. It might take time, but better friends are coming.”
4: Trust in the Lord
It can be hard to trust in someone when you don't know their character. I shared in a previous post about how I began to build a relationship with the Lord. You can read about it here. If you don't already know the Lord and His ways, I encourage you to learn more about Him so that your trust and love for Him will flourish.
For those who do know Him and are battling with depression, you must hold onto the Lord and His unfailing character with everything in you. The enemy will fill your mind with all sorts of hopeless thoughts, but you have to remind yourself that the Lord is faithful and He DOES have good plans for you. Better plans than you could even create for yourself. Trust in Him and His character and surround yourself with people/programs that follow the Lord as well.
These are not one use tips. You will have to fight to overcome any demonic spirit especially the spirit of depression. The Lord will absolutely be there to help you and guide you through, but you must be ready to fight.
Do not back down. Do not give up.
Stand strong and know that all of Heaven is with you and rooting for you! You are more than an overcomer, in Jesus’ name.