Having patience in the things we want the most can be hard to do. Here are some tips to help you along your journey of waiting.

“He that can have patience can have what he will” - this profound truth spoken by Benjamin Franklin, really made me think about how patient I’ve been and am currently being in my life. I believe that we all have some degree of patience, operating based on our prior experiences and lessons in waiting. Some people can stand in a line waiting for up to an hour or more without getting angry, while others have about a 10-15 minute window before they start to huff and puff and complain. I believe the difference between the two is the lessons learned in the years before of how to exercise patience in waiting. Growth is everything, and below I’m going to share with you tips I’ve learned from practicing patience.
I chose a staircase as the primary image for this article because I think it can describe the journey of patience perfectly. All staircases have a beginning and an end. The beginning is where we start from, and the end is the goal or result we’re trying to achieve. Stairs aren't made for motionless activity, but they’re created and built for movement. It takes patience and persistence to make it from point A to point B on a set of stairs. Stopping in the middle of stairs to grumble and complain won’t do much good because it puts you in a place of being stagnant. You’re going to have to move at some point, whether that be up or down. So, if in our lives, we’re going to have these tests of patience or stairs that we have to make it through, then why not slow down, enjoy the journey and use them for what they’re built for - reaching our end goal.
“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
Here are some tips that I believe will help you throughout your journey of exercising patience:
Remain in belief for the positive/desired outcome
In any sort of promise given to us by God or a goal that we ourselves have desired to accomplish, there is hope. Hope drives our continual effort to live and thrive every day. I know this because I've dealt with hopelessness many times in my life. In order to best make it through the journey of patience, having your mind continuously fixed on the positive outcome of what you’re hoping for, will help to combat the enemy’s whispers of "what if it never happens for you", or "what if something gets in the way, and you don’t receive what you’re waiting on". These are all to put fear in you and to make you focus on what negative things could affect your promise. Don’t entertain his suggestions, but have the mindset of winning and believe that the Lord will help you get there, especially if He promised it.
Plan for the enemy’s attacks along the way
In the beginning, having patience doesn’t seem like something that’s hard to do. However, throughout time, the enemy will attack us in certain areas regarding that promise or goal we have. From fear that it won't ever happen, to being frustrated in waiting, to anxiety over waiting for too long, the enemy knows what to hit us with at the right time. Take some time to think about this in advance and come up with ways on how you will overcome his attacks along the way.
Find something else to occupy your mind
For me, the times when I’ve carried out “perfect” patience, was when it seemed like I almost forgot that I was waiting for something. I prayed over what I desired/needed, left it in God’s hands, and then got busy focusing on something else. It was only during times of being asked about it or seeing something that reminded me of what I was waiting on that I remembered. I do not mean this to be conflicting with Tip 1 of remaining in belief for the positive outcome. Remaining in belief is about having the mindset of not doubting while occupying your mind is something physical that you can do to not stand around becoming impatient or doubtful in your waiting.
Have the understanding that this is about growth
Recently, the Lord told me that tests are for us to grow and get stronger. Before, I wasn’t thinking of tests as growth, but I thought of them as something that comes to either take from us or prove to us the areas we are weak in. Once I had the understanding that this was about growth (movement), my attitude towards tests changed. It doesn’t mean that I desire for tests to come my way, but I know that during the test, no matter how hard it is, I can focus on growing and allow it to produce strength and endurance in me. Instead of thinking “why me”, my thoughts now comprise “If I allow it, this test will help me to either stand firm in or grow in patience, etc”.
“And we also have joy with our troubles because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope. And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. God gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us.” Romans 5:3-5
Patience is no easy virtue to grow in. But the Lord God is awesome and He will be there to help you make it through it all, all you have to do is ask!