Faith. The one spiritual element that in Scripture, Jesus mentions, can move mountains. Our entire belief and hope is built on faith in Him and in Him alone. Not to add to Scripture, but what if we could also attain trust that moves mountains. Trust so deep that every hindrance in your way has no choice but to move because you won’t be moved. Trust and full assurance on God and who He is so that the enemy’s attacks are rendered powerless each and every trial.
I want that kind of trust. It’s so easy to think that we have obtained something until we are faced with a trial or a troubling situation. It is in those moments that we are faced with ourselves and what is truly within our hearts. Through those times, we have the choice to rise to the occasion and grow or to succumb to the situation and everything that comes with it.
God has often told me that I need to trust Him in my finances. I thought I did, except when money started to look a little low, I quickly realized that He was right and I didn’t trust Him enough. I didn’t trust Him to provide. I didn’t trust Him to be able to help me get out of debt. I didn’t trust Him to have already made a way for me to become more financially stable. But He did. He did that and more. His call for me to trust Him was an invitation to seeing His solution before I saw it, essentially faith. It was an invitation for me to become reliant on His character and on His love for me, so that He could provide for me in the way that He wanted to.
So here is what trust that could move a mountain would like:
Dependence and reliance on God’s character as your Helper
Assurance in God’s ability to heal and restore
Dedication of your time to God in knowing that it is not in vain
Patience when in need of justice, knowing that God is the Righteous Judge
Certainty in your future, knowing that He has a plan for you which will always end in your prosperity
I challenge you to think about the ways that you could trust Him more and become fully surrendered to Him, so He can show up for you as the God He is.
"Those who know you, Lord, will trust you; you do not abandon anyone who comes to you." Psalm 9:10