Going through storms are not easy. I particularly don't enjoy them at all. I don't like how they feel because I can't control them. I don't know when they are going to end, I don't know what all I will face during the storm, and I don't always know what to do while going through the middle of them. But I have one thing that has helped me to make it through every one of them - Jesus.
He has anchored me in the midst of even the roughest turbulence and brought hope to me when I was doubtful of making it through. This is who He is. This is what He does.
Today I want to share with you some ways that the Lord has shared with me on how to stay happy during life's storms.
You might be thinking is it really important to be happy in the middle of a storm? Well, being discouraged and down isn't very helpful or enjoyable. Being happy through life's troubles make them seem less troublesome and gives you a hopeful outlook on life.
Read on for the tips.
Focus on the Lord and His goodness
I can attest that depending on the gravity of the storm, it can be a little tough to see past what you feel today to focus on the Lord's goodness. But you must do it.
Think back on your testimonies whether big or small of what the Lord has done for you. Think back on when He helped you make it through your past darkest days. Think back on when He blessed you with that thing that you had been praying for. Think back on how He healed you and comforted you in your past pain. You have to reach back as far as you can go and cling to the goodness of God.
The enemy wants to flood your mind with negative thoughts about your storm and about God's faithfulness to you through it. Avoid the why questions that pop up in your mind and counter the negative thoughts with a focus on God's goodness and faithfulness to you.
Stick with happy people
It is a terrible decision, to decide to be around pessimistic people or those who are naturally disposed to being unhappy. The only thing these people will bring you is a heavier burden that they won't help you carry.
You must surround yourself with those who are eager and willing to uplift you in your time of need. Even if all they can give you is a shoulder to cry on or the comfort of their presence, you need to have good people around you to help you stay happy during life's storms. A simple joke or a warm conversation with a friend can have the power to turn your gloominess into light.
If a friend can do that for you, imagine the power of being around someone cynical. Do yourself justice by sticking with happy people to make the best of your situation.
Fill your thoughts with the Word of God
Along with the first tip, fill your thoughts with the Word of God to help counter the enemy's attacks of negativity and discouragement. You have to rehearse His promises and what is written about Him to keep you grounded in your faith. Here are a few Scriptures that you can go to:

Rejoice always
Lastly no matter what, make sure to rejoice. Rejoice that you are coming out of the storm whole! Rejoice that the Lord is with you during the storm! Rejoice that the Lord's mercies are new every morning and that He will shower you in His mercy daily. Rejoice that you are loved and not alone in your fight! Rejoice that God is working it out even though you can't fully see it now. And rejoice that your weeping will not last a life time but that beauty and joy will soon be your portion.
We have the blessing of having a Heavenly Father who is active in our lives and takes care of us better than we can care for ourselves. Although the storms may be unwanted, trust and believe that there is a man standing in the middle of that storm with you and His name is Jesus. Despite what you feel or may hear, the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you especially not in the middle of a hard time.
Fight to make it through that storm; don't be passive but give it all you can to stay positive and ask God to help you do it. This is where you will find your happiness.
Please visit the contact page or email tiffani@purposefullyclean.com if you'd like to submit a request for prayer.