There is not one person that I know right now who is not expecting greater in their finances, especially with the rising costs in America. We need breakthroughs. We need help from the Lord our God to provide for us financially and bless us with more than just our needs. The Bible says that God can bless us abundantly so that we can have everything we need and be successful in all of our work [2 Corinthians 9:8]. But I too know how challenging it can be to see how much you lack in finances and wonder how you will ever get through. Here are some ways the Lord has shared on how to make it through being in the middle of a financial need.
Pray often
As often as you can remember, pray. Ask God for what you need and for what you desire. He will hear you. We often don’t go to God faithfully enough in prayer to see any breakthrough. Your prayer is a part of your communication with Him. There have been plenty of times when I got done praying and the Lord provided me with an answer instantly or He sent someone to tell me that He has heard my prayers and will answer them. You MUST as a Christian be praying as often as you can remember.
Now to add to this, don’t pray from a place of fear or anxiety. But pray from a place of firm faith, believing that He is easily going to do it for you. Ask Him to bless you with the finances to pay off your debt or to pay your bills. Ask Him for a better-paying job to provide for you and your family. Ask Him for that financial miracle that you need and be ready to move when He answers you.
Know Your needs
Now knowing your needs of course goes hand in hand with praying. How can you truly pray if you don’t actually know what you need? The Lord gave me this point to add because if he chooses to bless you through somebody donating money to you, how will they know exactly what to give you if you don’t know how much you need? The Lord could send someone right now to pay a bill for you and the transaction will go much smoother if you can immediately tell them how much your bill is instead of saying ‘oh I don’t know, let me go find out.” You need to be ready!
Know your exact financial needs and keep that amount in mind especially as you are praying.
Look at what you have now/Create a Budget
One of the main ways that the Lord has blessed me is through stretching what I have now. He told me years ago to create a budget and to stay on top of my finances. I used to get paid, pay my tithes, and never look at my account again until the next payday. I would go out to eat and go on shopping trips and just swipe my card freely because I knew that there was money in my bank. But I never gave myself a boundary on how much I could spend which often made me overdraft on many of my bills. I was foolish.
Don’t be like I was, create a budget for yourself and really look at the money that you currently have. As soon as you get paid, you should be logging into your bank, paying out your tithe, estimating your bills, figuring out your savings, and then looking at how much you can spend on yourself. Your finances need to be in order if you want to get out of the middle of your financial need- notice I didn’t say perfect! If our finances were perfect, I’m sure we would not be in a financial need. But you at least need to have a structure in place for your finances, because that is just pure wisdom.
Of course, if you do not currently have a job and are looking for one then looking at what you have will be a bit different. But at least when the Lord sends you the finances you need, you have a plant to rightfully budget them to cover your needs.
Trust God
Last but most important, trust God! No one can get you through the middle of your financial need like Him. I can tell you with all honesty that the Lord doesn’t want you to struggle. If He had it His way, we would all be abundantly prospering and always be in a place of having more than enough. Ultimately that is His promise towards us; that we will lack no good thing.
God makes good on His promises. He is more faithful than we are.